Recently, Mr. Zhoutao, the chief of the National People’s Congress (NPC) of Ningbo Fenghua city, Mr. Zhuohoujia, the member of the CCP Committee of Fenghua and the executive deputy mayor of Fenghua, and Mr. Zhoushijun, the member of the CCP Committee of Fenghua and the secretary of the CCP Committee of Xikou town, lead a group of more than 20 people from relevant departments, such as Public Security, Work Safety, Traffic Management, Quality Supervision, Administration for Industry & Commerce, and etc., to inspect the work safety situation of Ocean Family’s Today Food Co., Ltd. (the processing base of canned tuna and tuna loin) and fully confirm the company’s precaution and control measures for the work safety.
In the future, Today Food Co., Ltd. will implement the inspection of work safety as a routine task: design the standards, check regularly, discover the problems and solve issues timely to ensure the safety in everywhere.