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FAD Management Policy - 2024 OF

                           ZHE JIANG OCEAN FAMILY CO., LTD.


ZHE JIANG OCEAN FAMILY CO., LTD. requires its vessel operators to read, and more importantly employ these standards to the greatest degree practicable when operating in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO). The following best practices for FAD management, identified in ISSF Technical Report 2019-11, "Recommended Best Practices for FAD management in Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries": 

ZHE JIANG OCEAN FAMILY CO., LTD.要求旗下船队阅读此集鱼器管理政策,且于中西太平洋作业时尽最大努力执行以下之标准。下列集鱼器最佳管理典范」以 ISSF 技术报告 2019-11 为模板:

a) Comply with flag state and RFMO reporting requirements for fisheries statistics by set type 

We commit to: 

Complete and accurate the logbooks reporting, including FAD logbook information, by set type required by WCPFC and submitting them to the required authority and/or RFMO

Achieving the observer coverage required by WCPFC and studying the feasibility of increasing observer coverage through Electronic Monitoring (EM)

a) 遵守船籍国和区域性渔业管理组织对下网类别之报告要求





b) Voluntarily report additional FAD buoy data for use by RFMO-associated science bodies 

We commit to: 

Report FAD buoy daily position data to the relevant RFMO science bodies and/or national scientific institutions and/or flag State, with a maximum time lag of 90 days. Data submissions must include the vessel name and IMO number (if available). Deployments should be identified in the data submissions when possible. And, if reporting to national scientific institution or flag state, we shall request that these data be made available to the relevant RFMO for scientific purposes.

Provide FAD buoy echo-sounder acoustic biomass data to the relevant RFMO science bodies and/or national scientific institutions and/or flag State, with a maximum time lag of 90 days. Data submissions must include the vessel name and IMO number (if available). [And, if reporting to national scientific institution or flag state, we shall request that these data be made available to the relevant RFMO for scientific purposes.

b) 主动提供集鱼器使用数据予区域性渔业管理组织的科学机构使用


在最多不超过 90 天,向相关 RFMO 科学机构和/或国家科学机构和/或船旗国报告 FAD 位置数据。若政策涵盖之围网船和补给船向国家科学机构和/或船旗国报告这些数据,并应记录这些数据曾提供给相关 RFMO 用于科学研究。

在最多不超过 90 天,向相关 RFMO 科学机构和/或国家科学机构和/或船旗国报告 FAD 生物量资料。若政策涵盖之围网船和补给船向国家科学机构和/或船旗国报告这些数据,并应记录这些数据曾提供给相关 RFMO 用于科学研究。

c) Support science-based limits on the overall number of FADs used per vessel and/or FAD sets made 

We commit to: 

Abiding by the limit of active number of FADs adopted WCPFC

Abiding by the FAD time area closure established by WCPFC

c) 支持以科学基础的条件下,针对每艘渔船使用集鱼器总数的限制





d) Use only non-entangling FADs to reduce ghost fishing

We also commit to: 

Deploying only FADs that are completely non-entangling (i.e., without any netting) according to the ISSF Guide for Non-Entangling FADs.


d) 使用「非缠绕式」集鱼器降低幽灵渔具之风险


ISSF 非缠绕式集鱼器指南,仅部署完全不缠绕(即没有任何网)的集鱼器。


e) Mitigate other environmental impacts due to FAD loss including through the use of biodegradable FADs and FAD recovery policies 

We commit to: 

Participating in trial(s) of biodegradable FAD designs and/or FAD recovery programs that include the participation of the relevant RFMO science bodies and/or coastal States, national scientists, and/or ISSF scientists to monitor experimental design.

Studying the feasibility of deploying simpler and smaller FADs.

e) 使用可生物降解集鱼器和集鱼器回收政策,藉此减缓集鱼器遗失对环境生态的影响





f) For silky sharks (the main bycatch issue in FAD sets) implement further mitigation efforts 

We commit to: 

Practicing best safe handling and release of sharks and rays brought onboard

f) 针对平滑白眼鲛执行的集鱼器混获减缓措施





This policy was adopted in April, 2024




下一篇:Shark Finning Policy - Ocean Family
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